Step Up


Where in your work have you not stepped up? 

What is the decision you are putting off making? 

You know it matters. You know it could be a game changer. You know it’s time for action. It’s time to step up. 

I know that niggling feeling. I’ve had it before. 

I made a promise once. It was a vague promise, and a promise to myself; but it was a promise nevertheless. 

I read books on things that matter to me, gender equality and inequality, education and the lack of access to it around the world, violence against children and women. I had a conversation in my head one day that went something like this:

'You can't keep reading these books and then just carrying on with your life. It's almost voyeuristic to keep learning about these things if you're not going to do anything about them.'

The promise I made was this:

the next book I read, no matter what the country or what the issue, I won’t just put it back on the shelf. I’ll do something.’ 

That was it, the next book I read, I wouldn't just put it back on the shelf, I’d take action. I’d do something

The next book I read was about sex trafficking. I was horrified. 
I remembered my promise. I was going to do something about sex trafficking! In Cambodia!

I wrote an email outlining my skills and experience and offering to help. I never heard back. So I emailed again. I emailed five times. But I never got a reply. So I went about my life as usual. 

Months later I was on a coaching course, and I was asked,

What is it that you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t done yet? 

In what ways are you not sharing the best of you with the world? 

Where have you not stepped up, yet? 

And I realised, I hadn’t fulfilled my promise to myself. I had written five emails to Cambodia and had heard nothing back. I realised though, that this wasn't enough. 

That night, I booked a flight to Cambodia. I knew if I didn't book it there and then, I would chicken out by the morning. 

It was time for me to step up.

Stepping up led to me doing more of what matters most to me. 

It’s so easy to get busy, to get distracted, and to stop hearing that niggle. But it’s always there, just under the surface. 

What matters to you?

What promise have you made, or what goal have you set yourself, that you haven’t fully stepped up to yet? 

All it takes is one courageous decision… 

#stepup #dowhatmatters #businessmatters

Nicky Mih believes in our capacity to live and lead differently. Her book Do What Matters: what leading a child protection organisation in Cambodia taught me about life and leadership is an Amazon #1 best seller in the categories of Business Ethics and Business Leadership. Do What Matters is available on Amazon and


Feel the Fear